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Fragments of a Journey

A Fistful of Life

Blog posts November 2018

Fragments by Jose de Koster, Blog 5

Fragments of a Journey

A Fistful of Life

Blog 5

A day of flooding rains, catastrophic fires and fierce windstorms. Hello Australia

A perfect day for stai…

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Fragments by Jose de Koster, Blog 4

Fragments of a Journey

A Fistful of Life


Many, many apologies to the readers following this blog for the enormous interval between this and the last o…

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It is the anniversary of Guus de Koster on Monday 13th September. I came across this page while trying to find videos of him acting. I am one of his Great Granddaughters -Hope. I remember Jose coming over from the Blue Mountains to Auckland to visit my Papa. I have fond memories of Jose teaching me how to paint. Thank you for creating this space where we can come and remember them.
Please keep in touch or share any photos you have.
Take care!


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